Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Program to find the Unique String from the array

'Program to find the string with the unique number of element. in the below example i have one array and i have eliminate the duplocate elemnet and generate the sting with unique elements
'Created by Zeeshan Khan
'Declare the array
dim a

'Assign the elements to the array which having 2 times 1
a= Array (1,2,3,1)

'Find the array Length
Arraylngth =ubound(a)

'Initialize the variable strfromArray with blank value

'Move the For loop for each index and get the value from array than concatenate these values and store in a one Variable
For i=0 to Arraylngth
strfromArray =strfromArray&a(i)

'Below line of code is just to check what would be type of the variable
print TypeName (strfromArray)
Print "Concanated string from the array is now-->"&strfromArray

'Initialize the Counter

'nitialize the variable strUnique with blank value
strUnique =""
For j=1 to len(strfromArray)
If strcomp(mid(strfromArray,j,1),"1") = 0 Then
Temp = (mid(strfromArray,j,1))
counter =counter+1
If (counter>1) Then
Print "String after the replacing the repititive element is-->"&strReplacedString
End If
End If
print "Final Unique string without any duplicate element is" &Temp&strReplacedStringere.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Effort Estimation |Automation Testing

Hi Guys,

Effort estimation is a very important part of success of any project and our estimation will correct than our automation task would be complete in proper manner and in calculated time.

Here i m discussing effort estimation for development of automation script.

1. First we analysis the manual test cases and find out the good automation candidate than take out the complexity of the test cases.Complexity will be decide on the basis of some parameters and those parameters are :

a.) No. of Verifications
b.) No of actions or Screen navigation.
c.) No. of Iteration

Complexity would be Complex, Medium and Low.

for  example

No. of Screens
< 5
< 5
>  15 execution
>5 -  <15
>5 – <10
> 8 – 10 execution
>15 – <25
>10 – < 15
> 5 – 8 execution

Now on the basis of Complexity we will decide the time and one important thing dont forget to add buffer time in your effort estimation.

If we are going with the mathematically formula than formula would be.

T = (n1*t) +(n2*t)+(n3*t)

T --> Total time for the development of test script
n1-->Number of test cases of Low Complexity
n2-->Number of test cases of medium Complexity.
n3-->Number of test cases of Complex Complexity

So guys i have tried to explain how we can calculate the effort estimation of development task of Automation script.

One Important thing, any development of test case automation we have to do following task, so while calculating effort estimation please keep below steps in your mind.

1.Test Case execution (Manual)
2.Test data selection
3.Script Template creation
4.Base scripting
5.Implement framework elements
6.Script execution for dry run

In the next post i will share you , how we can select the test cases for Automation